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- From: Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: John Mack, MD on Pacifica Radio!
- Date: Sat, 15 Jun 1996 01:20:28 -0700
- Organization: University of Wisconsin
- Lines: 36
- Message-ID: <31C2724C.F22@students.wisc.edu>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:87461 alt.paranet.ufo:53020 sci.skeptic:71391
- Howard Olson wrote:
- > How did the interview go? I missed it. Mack certainly has a lot of
- > guts and is a good scientist despite the ravings of decompensating
- > pseudo-skeptics.
- Although I remain pretty skeptical of en masse abductions -- though a few
- well-documented cases do exist -- I must say that I object to the skeptic
- derision of Mack for being suckered by that one woman. The woman, whose
- name I forget, came to him and pretended to be an abductee, and Mack was
- convinced. Then she admitted she lied in an attempt to expose his
- gullibility and discredit him. Skeptics around the world praised her
- results.
- However, this is yet another typical skeptic fallacy, because the
- "skeptics" failed to control for the ability of the woman to accurately
- reproduce and convey the symptoms of abduction. For instance, let's say
- I go to my doctor and, in an attempt to expose his gullibility and
- discredit him, I give him the hallmark symptoms of sinus headaches. Like
- the buffoon he is, he becomes convinced that I do indeed suffer from
- sinus headaches.
- Now, does this mean my doctor is gullible and discredited? Or does it
- mean that I am a good actor and I did my research in advance, thus
- putting on a convincing show that fooled an expert?
- Like I said, though I'm skeptical of mass abductions, I still think that
- the fact that skeptics glorify in this woman's results is quite a window
- into their tortured minds for so uncritically accepting one of TWO
- possible explanations, namely her acting skills versus his gullibility.
- Skeptics simply assumed he was gullible when, in fact, I just gave an
- example where I could fool a doctor because of my own skills, not his
- gullibility.
- --
- Brian Zeiler